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“All you seek has been right here. Beneath this skin, waiting.”

– A. J. Lawless


Imagine stepping out of the context of your daily routine and stepping in to a luscious and exotic space brimming with sensuality, self-discovery, playfulness, and empowerment. That’s what you will experience when you join me for one of my many retreats designed for own personal self-growth.

Our environment plays a big role on maintaining our behavior. Not good when we are trying to change these old patterns that don’t serve us anymore!
Research suggests that the best time to begin to break/change habits is when we are in a new environment. We need time enough to get out of the cycle that feeds back into the behaviors and really look at the components that are contributing to the cycle. We need to look at what our intentions are behind each of these components and ask ourselves are they really in alignment with what we want.

Upcoming Retreats

Sexual Liberation in the Mayan Jungle.png

Past Retreats

Ignite: Women's Sexual Empowerment  Retreat

Discovering Intimacy:

Couples Retreat

Refresh: Women's Weekend Immersion

Chinese Women's Sexuality Retreat in Thailand 

Chinese Women's Sexuality Retreat in China

Goddess Celebrations:


Un.done: Tulum
Women's Retreat 2019

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Contact your healthcare provider before trying any of our products, programs, or information discussed in this website or affiliates’ websites. It is important to heed medical advice and should not replace seeking professional therapy or medical services because of information gathered from this site, newsletter, products, or affiliate’s website.


​©2021 by Cat Meyer, Inc. 



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